The MIMB Application Server is installed as follows:
o On Linux operating
systems, use tar -xjvf to extract the software
package (.tbz2 format) into the directory of your
choice, by default located at:
Depending on your software installation
directory, you may need "root" privileges.
o On Windows operating
systems, use unzip to extract the software package (.zip format)
in the directory of your choice, by default located at:
set MM_HOME=C:\MetaIntegrationMetaKarta
Depending on your software installation
directory, you may need "Administrator" privileges. You should avoid using the
"Program Files" directories of Windows as they have are now controlled by
Windows with special access rights.
Finally, note that this deployment guide assumes the Linux
notation for scripts and file location such as:
The Windows scripts and file location are matching and therefore
can be inferred, in the above example: