An attribute defines a property of
a metadata element or a relationship with another metadata element.
Attributes can be used in the SELECT list. Most of them can be used in
the WHERE clause. Some can be used in the ORDER BY clause.
If an
attribute name contains any space or is a reserved word, you need to quote it
with the double quote (") characters.
MM supports the following
attribute types:
o Profile attribute: for
example, Usage, "File last modified", or "Default value". A profile attributes
can be qualified by a profile name to prevent any ambiguity, e.g. "RDBMS
Relational Database (Database)"."Data Type" or "Data Modeling (Business)"."Data
Profile attributes can be used in the WHERE clause.
o Profile relationship: for
example, Tables. A profile relationship can be qualified by a profile name to
prevent any ambiguity, e.g. "RDBMS Relational Database (Database)"."External
Schemas" or "File System (File)".Fields.
Profile relationships cannot be
used in the WHERE clause.
o Custom attribute: for example,
"Security level" or "Harvesting PoC".
Custom attributes, except those of the
BLOB data type, can be used in the WHERE clause.
o Custom relationship: for
example, "Is Defined By", "More General" or References.
Custom relationships
can be used in the WHERE clause.
o User defined property (UDP):
for example, "2PC Option_1092616415".
UDPs can be used in the WHERE
o System attribute: for example,
Name, Context, or "Object Type".
Most system attributes can be used in the
WHERE clause.
o Data profiling attribute: for
example, "Data Profiling".Min, "Data Profiling"."Distinct", or "Data
Profiling"."Inferred Data Types".
Data profiling attributes can be used in
the WHERE clause.
o Source history attributes: "Source History"."Popularity Count", "Source History"."Last Data Access Date", "Source History"."Last Data Update Date", and "Source History"."Last Access Users"
Source history attributes can be used in the WHERE clause.
o Related object property: for example, Parent.Name and Parent. "Object Type". A related object property must be in the form of related object, where the related object type is one of the following system attributes and the property can be a profile attribute, custom attribute, user defined property (UDP), data profiling attribute, or system attribute. If the property is a profile attribute, it can be qualified by a profile name to prevent any ambiguity.
- Children (deprecated)
- Parent
Related object properties can be used in the WHERE clause if the property can be used in the WHERE clause.
o Related object relationship: for example, Parent.Tables. A related object relationship must be in the form of related object type.relationship, where the related object type is one of the following system attributes and the relationship can be a custom relationship, or profile relationship which can be qualified by a profile name to prevent any ambiguity.
- Children (deprecated)
- Parent
Related object custom relationships can be used in the WHERE clause.