Once you have created an Issues custom model, you may add individual issues to it.
1. Sign in as a user with at least the Metadata Management capability object role assignment on the Issues model in which you wish to edit issues.
2. Navigate to the Issues model.
3. Click the Add.
4. Enter a Name and Description for the Issue and click OK.
5. Now you may edit the rest of the fields the issue.
There may be workflow enabled available for custom models. Please refer to the specific examples for glossaries (a type of custom model) for full details on how to set up and use workflow with a custom model.
Sign in as Administrator and navigate to the object page for the Finance Issue Tracking model.
Click +CREATE next to Issues.
Here is the text for the fields:
o NAME: “Definition and Certification of Finance Terminology
“Certification of Finance Terminology
All objectives apply solely to the Finance glossary terminology.
Proper business terminology names and definitions.
Proper semantic linking and thus name and definition inference to physical data elements (tables and columns)”
Otherwise, enter the values as shown below and click OK.