Create a new collection

You may create a new collection named mm using the Solr Admin UI. Make sure that you select the configset mm as the value of the config set parameter.

Or you may use the Solr Collections API to create a new collection named mm using the following command:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8983/api/collections 

-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '


"create": {

"name": "mm", 

"config": "mm", 





Note 1: The default solr port number is 8983.

Note 2: The above command uses the Solr V2 Collections API. The V2 Collections API would work if your Solr server is on Solr 9.x. If your Solr server is on Solr 8.x, you can use the Solr V1 Collections API, such as
