The MetaKarta application server requires the connection to an existing Database server for metadata storage (metadata repository). Metadata Integration recommends regular backup of the metadata repository (especially before any upgrade).
This document describes the commands and instructions to perform the repository database backup and restore tasks. These database commands and instructions assume the following by default:
o Database Name: MM
o database User: MM
o Database Password: MM123!
The database name and user name can be changed, and the password should of course be different.
We assume that objects from backup are restored into the same database later.
Always use the same database software version to perform the backup and restore. Backups created by more recent versions of a database server may not be restored in earlier versions of the database server.
Note that any data that is saved after a backup is done will be lost if you restore the backup.
Stop the Application Server before you perform the backup and restore tasks. Restart the Application Server afterwards.
To ensure the optimal Application Server performance after a restore operation, run the database maintenance script in the MetaKarta Management UI using MANAGE > Schedules then Run Database Maintenance to update the database statistics.
Backup and restore on a very large repository database may take a long time. Refer to the database backup and restore documentation to enable parallelism, incremental backup and restore for better performance. The instructions given below are for a full database backup and restore.