Database Server Setup

The MetaKara Data Lineage, Catalog & Governance Web Application Server requires access to a Database Server for metadata storage (metadata repository) which can be PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. deployed on prem or cloud.

For small deployments (or quick proof of concepts), the MetaKarta software package bundles PostgreSQL (for Windows only) as the MetaKarta Database Server (which can run on the same machine as the MetaKarta Application Server) See Application Server Installation and Configuration

The minimum database server requirements (based on physical hardware performance, not a virtual environment) are:

Processor: Processor: 2 GHZ quad core processor (4 cores)

Memory:  8 GB of RAM

Storage: 20 GB of disk space

Database Administrator privileges are required to install/setup/uninstall the database.

In general, one must ALWAYS install the latest service packs for a given database version BEFORE creating the MetaKarta database. E.g., for Oracle 11.2 one is required to apply the patches to upgrade to, or whatever is the latest patch level at the time. In addition, Oracle must have patch 17501296 applied.

Virtual Memory: For a Windows based database server, be sure to either:

set the page file size to be managed automatically by OS

or it should be at least 3 times the memory or RAM size for the machine.

Thus, you must have more than that much free disk space (at least 3 times the amount of memory or RAM) on the drive where the page file is defined to reside.

The following database setup scripts and instructions assume the following by default:

Database Name: MM

Database User: MM

Database Password: = MM123!
The database name and user name can be changed, and the password should of course be different.

After the product is fully installed and web connectivity has been made, one may connect to a different database by way of the web based user interface at Manage >  System.

Note, it is not supported by MetaKarta to migrate from one database type to another (e.g., Miccrosoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL). 

It is also not supported to move from one version number of a database type to another. Instead, this process requires the assistance of a DBA.

E.g., moving from PostgreSQL 13 to 16 entails a careful backup/restore procedure and would require DBA involvement.