Deprecated Features

Deprecated features do not require any action before upgrading to MM 11.1.0. If any of these features are used in worksheets, dashboards, conditional labels and collections created in the previous release, they will be automatically upgraded. In order to use any of these features in MQL queries in the REST API functions, you need to set the mqlVersion parameter to 1 or 2 so that they can be automatically upgraded. If you use any deprecated feature in the filters entered manually, you may get a warning about the field cannot be resolved to a valid attribute, in which case, you will need to replace the deprecated feature with the new feature by yourself.

Deprecation of features


More information

"Business Description" system attribute

Custom attribute Definition

Naming standardization. Removal is considered for the next major release

Children system attribute

Use the Parent system attribute if the query is at that level.

It was experimental and never available in the MIMM Explorer

Custom attribute "Long Description"

Custom attribute Description

Naming standardization. Removal is considered for the next major release

"Content Name" system attribute

"Model Name" system attribute

Naming standardization. Removal is considered for the next major release

"Content Description" system attribute

"Model Definition" system attribute

Naming standardization. Removal is considered for the next major release

Term system attribute

Custom relationship "Is Defined By"

MQL normalization. Removal is considered for the next major release.

"Term Documentation" system attribute

Custom relationship "Is Defined By"

MQL normalization. Removal is considered for the next major release.

CONTENT filter type

Model system attribute

Naming standardization. Removal is considered for the next major release

Scope filter in the FROM clause

Model=WHERE(…) in the WHERE clause

MQL normalization. Removal is considered for the next major release

"Data Profiling".Empty

"Data Profiling".Null, "Data Profiling".Blank or "Data Profiling".Zero

No automatic upgrade is provided. Customer needs to replace "Data Profiling".Empty with one of the new data profiling attributes before it is removed from the next release.