General Concepts

In additional to data flow vs. semantic, there is another major distinction between a linage trace and a lineage overview.

A lineage trace will always have a point of origin, and also has a Type, and can produce a complete end-to-end lineage picture (including any models in the configuration) depending upon the options chosen.

A lineage overview is a view of the design level lineage limited to the scope of the model you invoked it on (by clicking on the Lineage tab) and thus is not a complete end-to-end lineage picture, but simply an overview of the model lineage picture.

Many objects in the lineage OVERVIEW are purely design level concepts, e.g., ETL designs, that are not actually a part of the run-time simulation of the actual physical data flow lineage.  Thus, there will be no way to represent a lineage trace from them.  If you do attempt to invoke a lineage trace from these types of object, you will receive an informational dialog informing you that the object cannot be displayed as part of a lineage trace.

You may invoke a lineage trace by going to the Lineage tab. 

If starting at an object that is valid for a lineage trace (generally all data store classifiers and features), you will be presented with a Lineage trace with an origin at that object

If starting from an object which is at the entire model level, or schema level, or a purely design level concepts, e.g., ETL designs, that are not actually a part of the run-time simulation of the actual physical data flow lineage, you will be presented with a Lineage Overview, scoped only to that model.