Some MIMB bridges convert the graphical information between tools, including conversion of the model layout between various notations like IDEF1X data modeling, and UML object modeling. The following MIMB bridges carry graphical information:
o Erwin Data Modeler
o CA COOL:BusinessTeam (Sterling GroundWorks) for some versions
o CA COOL:DBA (Sterling Terrain) for some versions
o IDERA ER/Studio
o IBM Infosphere Data Architect
o IBM Rational Software Architect
o IBM Rational Rose Object and Data Modeler
o NoMagic MagicDraw (via OMG UML 2 XMI)
o Oracle Data Modeler
o SAP BusinessObjects Designer
o SAP (Sybase) PowerDesigner CDM and PDM
o IBM (Telelogic / Popkin) System Architect
However, some MIMB bridges do not transfer the graphical information of the model layout. The primary reason for this limitation is that the import / export capabilities of most tools do not provide graphical information. In other words, their published file formats and/or Application Programming Interface (API) cover the semantic (each of the modeling concepts), but not the graphical information (i.e. the concept's associated shape sizes and positions). Furthermore, when available, such graphical information is not easily reusable in the target tool. This problem is also true for tools sharing the same methodology (e.g. a tool may allow a graphical layout that is not graphically implementable in another equivalent tool). This problem is accentuated when crossing methodology boundaries (e.g. IDEF1X to UML).
o MIMB focuses in moving the full model semantic between tools. The graphical information is then reproduced by the auto-size and auto-layout capabilities of the target tool. For example, Erwin Data Modeler may automatically perform an auto-layout when importing an ERX or XML file, and IBM Rational Rose provides a "Layout Diagram" and "Autosize All" features in its "Tools" menu. Some OLAP/BI tools offer more sophisticated auto layout features such as IBM Cognos Framework Manager (FM) with an option to auto layout as a star schema.