MetaKarta allows you to enable and disable the propagation of documentation (including Name and Business Definition, diagrams, join relationships and custom attributes) from older versions of a model. You can decide to enable the feature when you need to fix an old version and would like the fix to be propagated to future versions as they are harvested. When you check the Propagate documentation checkbox, MetaKarta propagates documentation changes made to any historical version to new versions as they are harvested.
If you leave this checkbox unchecked, then propagation of documentation will occur from the latest (last imported) version only (this is the default).
This feature can produce conflicts and unexpected results. For example, when you edit the same piece of documentation in different versions the latest edit wins. It is true even when you edit the latest version first and an old version later. You should disable the feature after you finish making future-proof changes to older versions to avoid unnecessary conflicts.