
Before you restore the backup to the repository database, you need to drop the schema MM to delete existing objects and data from the repository database. Restore will recreate the schema MM.
Sqlplus.exe SYS@ORCL as SYSDBA

To restore (import) the metadata repository database from a file MM.dmp and write the import log to impdpMM.log in the operating system directory /backups/Oracle:
Impdp schemas=MM directory=BACKUP_DIRECTORY dumpfile=MM.dmp logfile=impdpMM.log

When prompted for Username, enter / as sysdba.

You may refer to the Oracle Data Pump documentation for more details on the expdp and impdp commands. Backup Restore using Recovery Manager (RMAN) You may also use Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) to backup and restore your repository database. It is a good practice to create a separate table space for the repository database and restore only from that table space. For more information refer to the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User Guide.