Search Query Logs

One may turn on the logging of popular search queries as executed into a log file using log4j. This file may then be used to perform statistical reporting on the types of search queries executed.


To enable the logging of search queries:

1.  Open the file "$MM_HOME/tomcat/conf/log4j2.xml" in the installation folders.

2.  Change the lines near the end of the file:

<Logger name="search" level="off" additivity="false">

    <AppenderRef ref="SEARCH"/>



<Logger name="search" level="all" additivity="false">

    <AppenderRef ref="SEARCH"/>


3. Restart the application server.

A search.log file can be found under the "$MM_HOME/data/logs/search" directory in the installation folders.


The log contains the following search query details: time, thread, username, context, text.

To disable the logging of search queries, simply change the lines back and restart.

REST API calls are logged in the catalina.log and only if Debug logging is enabled.