The MetaKarta Application Server is installed as follows:
o On Linux operating
systems, use tar -xjvf to extract the software
package (.tbz2 format) into the directory of your
choice, by default located at:
on your software installation directory, you may need "root" privileges.
o On Windows operating
systems, use unzip to extract the software package (.zip format)
in the directory of your choice, by default located at:
set MM_HOME=C:\MetaKarta
on your software installation directory, you may need "Administrator"
privileges. You should avoid using the "Program Files" directories of Windows as
they have are now controlled by Windows with special access rights.
Finally, note that this deployment guide assumes the Linux
notation for scripts and file location such as $MM_HOME/
The Windows scripts and file
location are matching and therefore can be inferred, in the above example: %MM_HOME%\Setup.bat.
If you are using an existing database and do not wish to customize the application server (e.g. memory allocation, Windows services), then you can skip this step and go directly to the section on Application Server Execution and Initialization
Otherwise, go to the software home directory and execute the $MM_HOME/ utility.
Note On Windows, you must
"Run as administrator" the %MM_HOME%\Setup.bat
The following options are available:
$MM_HOME/ -?
[{ -? | --? | /? | --help }] Asking for help
[{ -tp | --tomcat-port }] <int> Tomcat: set the port number
[{ -tm | --tomcat-memory }] <int> Tomcat: set the maximum memory in Mb
[{ -ta | --tomcat-agent }] <true|false> Tomcat: switch to metadata harvesting only
[{ -ts | --tomcat-service }] <true|false> Tomcat: install or remove tomcat as a service
[{ -s | --ssl }] <true|false> SSL: enable or disable ssl
[{ -sc | --ssl-cert-file }] <file> SSL: the X.509 file containing the SSL certificate
[{ -sk | --ssl-key-file }] <file> SSL: the X.509 file containing the SSL key
[{ -sp | --ssl-key-password }] <string> SSL: the password for the SSL key file
[{ -sr | --ssl-root-chain-file }] <file> SSL: the X.509 file containing the SSL certificate chain
[{ -ds | --database-service }] <true|false> Database: install or remove database as a service
[{ -dp | --database-port }] <int> Database: set the port number
[{ -dc | --database-connection }] <string> Database: set the connection string
[{ -du | --database-user }] <string> Database: set the connection user
[{ -dw | --database-password }] <string> Database: set the connection password
[{ -da | --database-auto-upgrade }] <true|false> Database: automatically run the upgrades on startup
[{ -mh | --mail-host }] <string> Email: set the mail server host name
[{ -mp | --mail-port }] <int> Email: set the mail server port number
[{ -mu | --mail-user }] <string> Email: set the mail user name
[{ -mw | --mail-password }] <string> Email: set the mail user password
[{ -ms | --mail-sender }] <string> Email: set the mail sender's address
[{ -mx | --mail-external-url }] <string> Email: set the external URL to use in email templates
[{ -ma | --mail-admin }] <string> Email: a comma separated list of emails that will be notified of startup failures
[{ -iu | --index-url }] <string> Solr: set the url of the solr server (or internal to use the internal solr server)
[{ -ic | --index-collection }] <string> Solr: set the name of the collection to use
[{ -ep | --erwin-product }] <string> Erwin: the edition to switch to: EWP or EDG
[{ -op | --oracle-product }] <string> Oracle: the edition to switch to: OEMM or OMM4OBI
[{ -ch | --certificate-host }] <string> Certificate: the host name to retrieve the certificate for
[{ -cp | --certificate-port }] <int> Certificate: the port number to connect to
[{ -we | --webapp-enable }]... <string> WebApp: enable the specified webapp (MMDoc)
[{ -wd | --webapp-disable }]... <string> WebApp: disable the specified webapp (MMDoc)
[{ -wa | --webapp-all }]... <string> WebApp: allow all ip access to the specified webapp (MIMBWebServices,MMDoc)
[{ -wl | --webapp-local }]... <string> WebApp: allow only local ip access to the specified webapp (MIMBWebServices,MMDoc)
Alternatively, this Setup utility also offers to setup the configuration parameters defined below through a user friendly application. After any change on any panel (tab) below, remember to press the Configure button in order to perform the configuration changes. A dialog box will be issued to confirm success or failure (with error messages).
o Database Server tab:
This is to be used only if you wish to use the bundled PostgreSQL database.
Enable Windows Service
This will create the 'MM Database
Server' Windows Service, set it for automatic start, and actually start it. Note
that if no database already exists in $MM_HOME/postgresql/data, then a new database will be
Unchecking that box will delete the 'MM Database Server' Windows
Service, which is a good idea before uninstalling the MetaKarta software. Note
that your existing database in $MM_HOME/postgresql/data
will not be deleted as side effect.
Port Number
This is set to 5432 which is the default of PostgreSQL but can be
changed to avoid conflicts with other servers.
If you running the bundled PostgreSQL database as a service then by default any diagnostic logs will be written to the Windows Event Viewer.
o Application Server tab:
Enable Windows Service
This will create the " MetaKarta Application
Server" Windows Service, set it for automatic start, and actually start it.
Unchecking that box will delete the " MetaKarta Application
Server" Windows Service, which is a good idea before uninstalling the MetaKarta software.
Metadata Harvesting Server Only
This allows to setup this
application server as a metadata harvesting server only, rather than a full
metadata management server. This is very useful in architecture deployments
where the metadata management server is:
· deployed remotely on the cloud but needs to access metadata harvesting servers (agents) locally on premise, or
· deployed on Linux but needs to access metadata harvesting servers (agents) on a Windows machine where DM/DI/BI client tools are Windows only (e.g. COM based SDK).
Metadata Harvesting Browse Path
This controls the access to
the file system for metadata harvesting. The default value is set to '*' which
means any Windows drive (C: and any mounted remote drive R:) or any directory
from root on Linux. It is strongly recommended to limit access to a common
shared data location, and avoid system area.
Data Directory
This is the location of all data files,
including log files as well as the metadata harvesting caching. The data
directory is located by default in the 'data' subdirectory of the application
server home directory. It is recommended to separate the program data from the
program files, this allows you to provide a new location for the data in a
separate area (with regular backups if possible). Note that changing to a new
location will not move the existing data from the previous location. Either the
new location already had the data (from a previous install), or new data will be
Max Memory
This defines the maximum memory used by Java (JRE)
on the MetaKarta Application
Server (Apache Tomcat). This is unrelated to the maximum memory used by java on
bridges for Metadata Harvesting which is separately set by default with the
variable M_JAVA_OPTIONS in $MM_HOME/conf/, and can be overridden
within the Miscellaneous parameter of memory intensive import bridges (e.g.
Port Number
This sets a custom start port number by default to
avoid conflicts with other web application servers. Note that the MetaKarta Application
Server uses 2 consecutive ports. However, this can be set back to 80 to avoid
having to specify any port number in the URL.
This enables Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communication for
web access (HTTPS). In order to support HTTPS, the MetaKarta Tomcat service
must be configured to work with HTTPS for encryption of passwords and other
content exchanged between the web client and the MetaKarta Application
Server. In this case, you will need a certificate for the HTTPS protocol to
work. Note: the MetaKarta software does
not perform any error handling for validating a certificate associated with the
MetaKarta Application
Server, and most web browsers will report an error if the certificate is not
provided by a valid certificate authority. Thus, your certificate should be a
trusted certificate provided to you by a valid Certificate Authority.
· Certificate file
Mandatory - Can be a .pem (privacy enhanced electronic mail), .pfx (Windows
personal information exchange) or a .jks (Java keystore)
· Root Certificate file
Optional (only required if the above certificate file was generated by an
external company as a certificate authority)
· Key file
(often it is the case that the certificate file also contains the key)
· SSL Key Password
Optional (required if the key is password protected)