Upgrade Process

We recommend the following upgrade process:

1.  Stop your application server in the same way it was started such as stopping the Windows services / Linux daemon, stopping the desktop command windows, or using the tomcat/bin/shutdown.
Remove the application server service if one was created (Windows only).

2.  Stop your database server and ONLY if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL database on Windows then use the $MM_HOME/Setup.sh utility to remove the Database Service as follows: Go to the Database Server tab, enable disable or uncheck the database service check box, and click on the Configure button.

3.  Backup your MetaKarta data including your database and data file directories as explained above.

4.  Backup your MetaKarta software by copying the $MM_HOME directory as $MM_HOME.yyyymmdd.

5.  Install the complete MetaKarta new software (ONLY needed for clean install of a new version) by deleting the old $MM_HOME, and then creating a new one by unzipping the new MetaKarta full package.

6.  Apply the latest software cumulative patch by unzipping it from inside the new $MM_HOME directory.

WARNING 1: Make sure you unzip with overwrite on Windows, and use unzip -u on linux to update files while retaining permissions.

WARNING 2: You cannot use cumulative patches for major version upgrades, you must first start from a clean install of the new major GA version.

WARNING 3: You cannot reverse / unzip an older cumulative patch, you must restart from a clean install of the original GA version.

7.  Restore your MetaKarta data and software customization/setup (ONLY needed for a clean install of a new version) by copying the appropriate files and directories (as previously explained) from $MM_HOME.yyyymmdd to $MM_HOME, including at least $MM_HOME/data and $MM_HOME/conf/conf.properties but possibly more as used and customized such as $MM_HOME/conf/resources, or $MM_HOME/tomcat/conf.

8.  Integrate the new software features in your configuration by copying potential new versions of files from $MM_HOME/conf/Template into their matching directories in $MM_HOME/conf/. For example, the new $MM_HOME/conf/ModelBridgeList.xml may contain some new or updated bridges. WARNING: if you had customized some files such as $MM_HOME/conf/resources/MM.properties, you must re-apply/merge such customization starting from the new version of that file copied Template.

9.  Reconfigure your Database Server (ONLY if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL database on Windows). As the PostgresSQL server software version may have changed and the database server needs to be upgraded. Therefore, you must:

Execute the (old renamed installation) $MM_HOME.yyyymmdd/Setup.sh utility to restore the old Database Service as follows: Go to the Database Server tab, enable the database service check box, and click on the Configure button.

Execute the (new installation) $MM_HOME/Setup.sh utility as follows: go to the Database Server tab, enable the database service check box, and click on the Configure button. At this point the $MM_HOME/Setup.sh utility will retrieve the existing PostgreSQL data from the old install directory (which was already running as a service), will migrate them to the new install directory, and will remove the old PostgreSQL service, before starting the new PostgreSQL service on the new directory.

10. Restart your database server (ONLY if you are using the bundled PostgreSQL database on Windows).

11. Restart your application server after which your first login as Administrator may prompt you for an upgrade of your MM database.

The upgrade log may be found in MANAGE > Operations.  You should then select the upgrade operation and select Show Log.

12. Redo all above steps for any other MetaKarta Application server configured as MIMB harvesting agent.

13. Update your repository content (ONLY as needed) if the upgrade contains new and improved import bridges that would require to fully re-import the model (remove incremental harvesting in such case) and this will therefore require to re-build the related Configurations.

Typical DevOps Linux bash scripts include the following commands:

#! /bin/bash


######## START SETUP ########

sudo su




######## STOP SERVER ########


# double check for any tomcat process still running
# ps -edf | grep tomcat
# kill -9 <Process Id>


# Backup old install and extract new one
tar -xvf $MM_INSTALLER.tbz2

# optional ThirdParty software extract for brand new install on machines with no access to internet
mv *ThirdParty*.zip $MM_SOFTWARE
unzip *ThirdParty*.zip
rm *ThirdParty*.zip

######## COPY SETUP AND DATA ########


# data directory with large MM search index and MIMB cache
# cp -r data ../$MM_SOFTWARE
mv data ../$MM_SOFTWARE

# conf properties (memory, path, etc.)
cp conf/conf.properties ../$MM_SOFTWARE/conf

# tomcat conf properties (URL, ports, services, etc)
cp tomcat/conf/tomcat.properties ../$MM_SOFTWARE/tomcat/conf


# conf agent identification to MM server
cp conf/agent.properties ../$MM_SOFTWARE/conf

# conf agent access to SSL based MM server
$MM_HOME/Setup.sh -ch abc.def.com -cp 443

######## MM MAIN SERVER ########

# MM conf properties (database connection, email setup, etc.)
cp conf/mm.conf.properties ../$MM_SOFTWARE/conf

# MM resources such as the UI look & feel
alias cp=cp
cp -rf conf/resources ../$MM_SOFTWARE/conf

# Tomcat SSH Setup
cp tomcat/conf/keystore ../$MM_SOFTWARE/tomcat/conf
cp tomcat/conf/server.xml ../$MM_SOFTWARE/tomcat/conf

######## RESTART SERVER ########


######## END ########