You may add any number of new global roles.
1. Sign in as a user with at least the Security Administrator capability global role assignment.
2. Go to MANAGE > Global Roles in the banner
3. Click Add.
4. Provide Name and Definition.
5. Use the Capabilities pick list to select capability assignments for the global role.
6. Select Group assignments from the Users/Group pick list for the global role assignments.
7. Click OK.
You may create a new role based upon an existing one by using the Duplicate Role context menu item on the existing line.
Sign in as Administrator and go to MANAGE > Global Roles.
Click Add and enter “UI Customization” for the Name and “Users who can create and edit worksheets, dashboards and presentations” in Definition.
Then pick the Application Administration and Worksheet Customization capabilities.
The License is of type Producer. This is assigned automatically. If a role has any capability type Producer, then it is of type Producer, otherwise if all capabilities for that role are Consumer only, then it is of type Consumer.