Ensure that naming standards are defined for the model.
For the entire model (schema, table, etc.)
1. Sign in as a user at least the Metadata Editing capability object role assignment on the model containing the object you wish to edit.
2. Navigate to the object page for the model as a whole or any sub-model in a multi-model (e.g., schema in a database).
3. Go to More Actions > Apply naming standards to the model.
For individual objects
4. Navigate to the object page for of the metadata object
5. Click Edit business documentation.
6. The naming standard will be suggested.
7. Click OK.
Bulk application
8. Go to any worksheet which contains object under naming standards.
9. Select the elements for bulk editing and specify Apply Naming Standard.
Sign in as Administrator and Navigate to the object page for the ACT table in the WEBCTC model.
The columns in the ACT table have “ACT” in them. They should be a good target for applying naming standards.
Go to the Columns tab.
Add the Business Name column.
Select all three columns and specify Apply naming standard.
They now have “Activity” in their Business Names, replacing “ACT”.