Public clouds provide identity management and access control infrastructure that enable their customers to define one security principal that can access multiple services using secret-protected or temporary credentials.
1. Sign in as a user with at least the Application Administrator capability global role assignment.
2. Go to MANAGE > Cloud Identities in the banner.
3. Click + Add to create a new identity with the proper credentials for connecting to the specific secrets vault.
4. From here you should specify:
o NAME of the identity for reference
o DEFINITION of the identity
- Microsoft Azure
- Amazon Web Services
- Google Cloud
The product supports Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. Any or all of them may be defined for use.
o Specific ID’s and Secrets required for the particular cloud identity technology.
5. Specify Cloud Identity the appropriate URL/Code in the Import Setup tab for the model and import.
6. Use the TEST function at the bottom of the page to test your connection credentials.