There are multiple use cases of using SSL to access remote server:
o Configuring HTTPS for Remote Metadata Harvesting Agents (Remote MetaKarta Server)
o Configuring SSL for Harvesting Metadata with API based bridges (e.g. a database server via JDBC)
o Configuring SSL for Repository Storage (database server via JDBC)
o Configuring LDAPS for Enterprise Directory
In all above uses cases, no extra setup is needed when using an official certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), as using the https based URL is enough.
However, when using a self signed certificate, then such a
certificate needs to be explicitly imported in the java environment of your
server. The recommended method to import such a certificate is using the
-certificate options of the Setup utility as
explained in Server Installation and
[{ -ch | --certificate-host
}] Certificate: the host name to retrieve the certificate for
[{ -cp |
--certificate-port }] Certificate: the port number to connect to
For example:
$MM_HOME/ -ch -cp 443
If the above method fails, you
may manually import the certificate into the java environment keystore as
cd $MM_HOME/jre/lib/security
jssecacerts jssecacerts.old
$MM_HOME/bin/keytool -importkeystore
-srckeystore YourSelfSignedCertificate -keystore jssecacerts
$MM_HOME/ (or RestartServerService.bat on
Note that the above import steps have to be repeated
for the self signed certificate of every remote servers.