Data Source Access History

Data access history is available selected supported tools (such as Snowflake or Google BigQuery), the same way data sampling, profiling, and classification is also available. This feature is called "data source" access history in order to avoid any confusion with the access history of the same object (such as a table) by users of MetaKarta. When available, the supported objects (such as Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Functions) of these imported models have the following system attributes prefixed by Source History (as a short for Data Source Access History):

Source History Popularity Count as the total count of any data read/write

Source History Last Access Users as the list of users who read the data

Source History Last Access Date as the last data read access date (such as a select statement)

Source History Last Updated Date as the last data write access date (such as a insert or update statement). Note that this date can be newer than the last access date showing a table that is updated while no one is reading it.

All the above data source access history attributes are calculated by parsing system logs over a period of 7 days be default (such period can be adjusted in the scheduled import data source access history operation.

Note that the data source access history of some supported tools can be limited both in terms of supported objects and supported data source access History attributes. In case of BI tools like Tableau only Source History Popularity Count is available as the total amount of access to a given worksheet since it has been created. In other words, the import data source access history operation is implemented differently for each data source technology.