General Troubleshooting

For any issue when you see something unexpected


1.  Apply the latest MM Cumulative Patch (and make sure Database Script has run long enough)

2.  Go to MANAGE > System and select Enable in the Debug Logging pull-down and then reproduce the issue.

3.  Open the process log and be sure to select Show: All. Then, make any changes specified in the log messages.

4.  In addition, if you see an error reported like this:

“…please contact your system administrator”

The details may be in the System Log and are likely to be debug level messages.

Get the Debug level system log by going to

-       Go to MANAGE > System and select Enable in the Debug Logging pull-down.

-       Reproduce the issue.

-       Go to MANAGE > System and select Disable in the Debug Logging pull-down.

-       Analyze the debug level messages from the time the issue was reproduced.

Debug level messages are not shown in MANAGE > System Logs, nor is it part of the download there. Instead, when you enable debug logging, those messages are written to the Tomcat server logs (catalina.log) on the application server machine. You may find this file in the installation directory at



Now, since a restart resets the level, if the issue is related to something that happens on server start, you must do something special and enable debug logging on startup by editing the $MM_HOME/conf/ file and setting the MIR_LOG_LEVEL to 6. The line should be uncommented, and the value changed from 5 to 6. Then restart the application server and capture the $MM_HOME/data/logs/tomcat/catalina.log file.


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