This feature allows you define sensitivity labels as an ordered flat list such as: Unclassified > Confidential > Secret > Top Secret. Each sensitivity label has a definition, a hide data property (only used when applied to a column/field), and a color (for example confidential can be orange and top secret red).
5. Sign in as a user with at least the Application Administrator capability global role assignment.
6. Go to MANAGE > Sensitivity Labels in the banner.
7. The list of sensitivity labels is presented.
8. You may also
o Search for by Name or Definition.
o Add a new label
o Select a line and edit the properties or Delete an existing label
o Move Up or Move Down to specify degree of sensitivity (lowest at the top)
Sign in as Administrator and Go to MANAGE > Sensitivity Labels.
By default, no predefined sensitivity labels are defined, so the list may be empty and means that this feature is inactive until you specify sensitivity labels.