Edit a Metadata-detected Data Class


1.  Manage data classes.

2.  If the data class does not yet exist, add the data class.

3.  You may edit all the properties in common for a data class.

You may not edit the Type after it has been set. You must create a new data class instead.

4.  Set the QUERY to specify an Metadata Query Language (MQL) query that must be met before a data object that is being classified is associated with this data class.

You may enter the query by hand, copy it from a worksheet MQL or use the EDIT button to query by example through a worksheet-like dialog.

5.  Click SAVE.


Sign in as Administrator and go to MANAGE > Data Classes.


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Click the Add plus sign. Click Metadata as the Type of data class and enter

“Product Number Query” as the NAME

“Product” in the GROUPS

“General metadata-detected data class for product numbers” as the DESCRIPTION


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Click EDIT to build a query and enter “Product Number” in the  Search text box.


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There are a number of false positives because the assumed condition is “Product” OR “Number” and “Number” has a huge amount of hits.


Let’s force an AND condition.


Remove “Number” from the  Search text box and press Enter. Then click ADVANCED.


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Simply copy the MQL text, type “ AND “, and then paste the MQL text (again) after that.

Replace the second ‘Product’ with ‘Number’, click EXECUTE, and you should have:

text = 'Product' WITHIN ('Name', 'Physical Name') AND text = 'Number' WITHIN ('Name', 'Physical Name')


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Click OK. Then SAVE.


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You do not need to invoke metadata-detected data classification. Instead, the application proposes new matching metadata-detected data classes that were not rejected before either upon harvesting of a model or upon update of a metadata-detected data class.

You may invoke it manually when you wish to confirm that it has been performed.