A metamodel contains Model Types (e.g. a glossary model). Those models are in turn constructed from a pool of Object Types. Finally, those objects are constructed from a pool of Attribute Types. Various relationships may also be defined between object types. In this way:
o Any number of models, objects, relationships, and attributes may be defined.
o They may all be shared across model types.
o Models may be instantiated as part of a configuration or in the repository management panel.
o They are then populated with actual objects, relationships among objects and attribute values in the user interface, just as any other pre-defined object may be.
1. Sign in as a user with at least the Application Administrator capability global role assignment.
2. Go to MANAGE > Metamodel in the banner
4. Click STOP EDITING, when finished with the metamodel updates.
You will be prompted to SAVE if there are unsaved changes.
5. Click SAVE to save changes without stopping editing.
If you do not SAVE during or at the end of the editing session, all changes are lost.
6. Click More Actions > Import to extend the metamodel with changes from an XML file.
The format of this XML file may be obtained by exporting the current metamodel.
7. Click More Actions > Export Package to export a package to an XML file.
8. Click More Actions > Edit main diagram to show all the object types and attribute types in the different model types and allow one to edit the diagram.
9. Click More Actions > Show inherited characteristics to show inherited attribute, relationships, etc. of the Object Types and Model Types.
10. Click More Actions > Show Package Names to show the package in which each object is a member.
It is generally best practice to build from the “ground up” when extending the metamodel. Thus, one will want to:
- Expand the pool of shared attributes types
- Define the object types
- Assign attributes types to those object types
- Define relationships among those object types
- Finally, collect the object types together into model
As diagrams are associated with models, at some point you will want to collect the work-in-progress together and visualize.
The user interface will provide validation warning when there is an issue with an already defined attribute, object or model type.
We will create a business policy metamodel where we can define a particular company’s policies in a hierarchical fashion and relate them to business rules.
Sign in as Administrator, go to MANAGE > Metamodel in the banner, and click START EDITING.
We will then perform each of the below design activities.