Model Level Object Page

In this example, we will look at a multi-model and sub-models contained within that multi-model in order to see options available on the object page only at this “model” level.

Model level then refers to:

Models (imported or custom)

Multi-models (imported) which will have a directory structure with contained models which also qualify as “model level” for this discussion.

Go to OBJECTS > Explore and navigate to Accounting > Accounting.




A Watchers icon is presented in the upper right.



MetaKarta provides watcher capabilities for model level objects allowing a user (or group of users) to effectively subscribe to objects and be notified of changes and there is an adjustable frequency of notification from near real-time to daily.

Click on the Watchers icon



Click EDIT WATCHERS.and select the user Administrator and group DG Managers





The current user (Administrator) is now a watcher as well as the users in the DG Manager group.


As long as:

-       Watchers are enabled for notification

-       You have the Watcher Editing capability object role assignment

-       You have a valid e-mail address assigned and a valid NOTIFICATION FREQUENCY

You may assign yourself as a watcher and receive notifications emails.


Click on the Watchers icon





Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated




David is now a watcher also.


As long as:

-       Watchers are enabled for notification

-       You have the Watcher Management capability object role assignment

-       The users you assign have a valid e-mail address assigned and a valid NOTIFICATION FREQUENCY

You may assign others (including yourself) as a watcher and receive notifications emails.


Now, edit the business description in the Accounting.MITI-Finance-AP.dbo.Invoice table



And you receive an email at the address defined for David and Adminstrator.



The link to the object page of the Accounting model also allow you to remove yourself as a watcher (unsubscribe).

Now, re-import the Accounting model and you also receive a message.

In earlier versions of the production, stewards were the ones notified of changes to model.  This is no longer the case.  Instead, watchers are notified of changes to models when enabled.  The migration from stewards to watchers is performed automatically on upgrade from previous versions and thus all stewards become watchers.