One may compare two different models, configurations or glossaries or two versions of the same model using the comparator facility.
1. Sign in as a user with at least the Metadata Viewing capability object role assignment on the semantic mapping.
2. Either:
o Navigate to the object page for the object you wish to compare with and select More actions… > Compare with
o Go to Go to MANAGE > Repository and either:
- and right click any model, configuration or glossary in the Repository Panel, and select Compare with….
- Or one may select a version of a model in the Repository Panel where you want the model to be located, and select Compare with Previous…
3. You are presented with the Compare utility panel.
4. From here you may:
o Drag and drop any other matching model, configuration or glossary into the Target or Source.
o Swap the Target and Source
o Specify the option for the comparison, including
- Match Type
- Objects to Detect
- Additional Compare options
- Case Sensitive comparison
- Specific Comparison Scope
o Expand ( ) or Contract ( ) objects in the tree
o Download ( ) the results as a CSV file
o Filter ( ) the results
o Match objects
o Switch to Merge if comparing two versions of a Physical Data Model.