Data Classification

Once you have data classes defined, you may apply these to harvested data elements:

Manually: You may do this through the object page or a worksheet and even in bulk for data-detected data classes, and on the manage data classes page for metadata-detected data types.

Programmatically: You may invoke a data classification process where data classes are proposed based upon the patterns and metadata queries defined for the different data classes.

Written another way:

Metadata-detected data classes are used to auto-tag (propose classifications)

-       upon creation and editing of the data class

-       on demand can be performed manually.

Data-detected data classes are used to auto-tag (propose classifications)

-       as side of effect of import only if the data classification import option is checked

-       on demand in the UI with the Data Classification option

Compound data classes may consist of both metadata and data-detected data classes and thus may be may be used to auto-tag (propose classification) through any of the above processes.

After there are data classes proposed, you may also approve or remove particular assignments.